Space-time and curvature

Space time shape hard to visualize.
Space time is  not constant like our earth surface. It's shape depend on mass of the object. 
          Take a example of a trapeze artist and their safety can imagine a trapeze artist falling into a net on purpose that the net is flat and looks like space but when they fall into it they distort that grid well  that's a lot like space if you have matter in space it wraps the fram work when the trapeze artist is resting in the net they are bending that space - time grid little bit if you had 2 trapeze artists there double the mass in roughly the same volume .you have a bigger distortion and that's how space -time works.
Space is bending like trapeze artist rest
In the net and safty net get bends. In space there are plannets , stars , blackholes , nebulas and many more. These have mass so as trapeeze's safety net, space also bend .how much space bends depend what object's mass . More object mass more bending in space . 
                Sun's mass greater then earth so space bend 

                 And blackholes have a infinitly mass and also density so curvature of blackhole is infinity.
And when we comperision space bending
Under sun,neutron star, black hole we got black hole mass more more than neutron star so curvature under black hole more more than curvature under neutron star. 
And also neutron star mass more than sun mass so curvature under neutron star more than curvature under sun. 
There are many phenomenon which define curvature of space.  Also gravity in the massive object cause of this curvature .

It is show how space - time intract matter 
In the space and get bend.


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