An apple fell down from tree on newton's 
head and  result all we know as gravitational
Two bodies separate by some distance feel
gravitational force but in reality when 
mass of bodies  small then thier gravitational
Force so weak so we can  not feel this force
among us.
So gravitational force propotional to bodies mass and reciprocal squre of distance 
between them. If u double the distance 
Between two bodies so their force between them will be quarter of real distance force.

By this force

Everything is controlled in universe. Planets and astroids round the sun and moons orbit
Their planet and also satelites round the earth  only by this force .
          Gravitational force nature attract mass
So this process always exothermic process. Gravity also play a great role in build up stars.
          Gravitational force depend also their desities.if density goes high so there  force between them also goes high but when force in  limit everythink is ohk but if force is more more high so this force distroy everything...
       If you think about blackhole which have more more high dense mass so its gravitational field is more more high. So force between any body and black hole also more more high and consequently body falls in black hole.
       The gravitation  pull by black hole is so powerfull that enen light cannot escape. As we all know gravity does affects light so due to gravity time slow.
     So you can imagine what a force ! Light cannot escape.
     It is gravity...........
      Gravity control all motions and also sometime distroy them.
      So it play a different role in different time.


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