Space(ever quite.....)

       Just as there are different types of biped and rocks in the ocean,in same way there are stars , planets , meteor bodies in the space . In space , there are nothing  but some very very very low dense particals.
      In space hydrogen  and helium gases in large amount  and other heavy elements (oxygen, nitrogen  etc.) are in very low amount in space.  Because  in the earlier stage of universe,  there are so  only  hydrogen and helium gases. By some process hydrogen atoms able to do fusion  reaction with very high temperature  and hydrogen atoms convert in helium atoms.
          But..... It is also possible that maybe helium helium add up and trasfor  in heavy
Particals so yes it is.  In the very low persent.
       In space there are 74% hydrogen , 24% helium and only 2% contain all other heavier elements.  
         The average  temperature of outer space near earth is 283.32 kelvins but overall space the temperature  is just  3kelvins not much above above absolute 0 Kelvin. 99,999,999,726 degree Celsius  temperature  inside a newly formed neutron star , the hot 
,high dense remnant  of collapsed star. The boomerang nebula is coldest place in the universe at one Kelvin. 
         In space,  there are no friction so no energy loss. It followed every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force. 
         Space has no boundray.we never found its edge. 
         It has three dimensions to predict  object's position to us and their speed. 
         Space is more complicated then we actual think.  Bcoz space is only a place around us but actually perfect combination is space - time to understand planets motion,  path in space etc.
        Space is different as per time so we when discuss about space then we also notion about time. 
        Space is so strange than we think........ 


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