We see toward the sky in night stars and plannets are visible.but every night we observe  their places in the sky are not same.  Their places are change in every part of time so how is it possible?
             Our galaxy is milky way  and our neighbor galaxy is Andromeda. Both have massive mass and they pulled each other  by massive gravitational force so by this fact distance between them decrease by time.  Bt it is not....

To understand how is it possible we try to to understand Doppler effect.

        As we have known visible light consists waves in electromagnetic field.  The wavelength of light is extremely small. The different wavelength of light are what the human eyes sees as different colours.  With longest wavelength at the red end of the spectrum  and the shortest wavelength at the blue end .

           Imagine a source of light at a constant distance from us such as star emitting light was at a constant wavelength .Obvious  we receive the same wavelength the star  emit. 

         Suppose now that source starts moving toward us.  Then distance between  wave crests will be shorter then star was stationary. This mean the wave length we receive  is less than we observe the wave when star was stationary. So it's colour we receive is shifted to blue end. 
         But we star moving away from us then wavelength we receive is more than when it was stationary so colour we receive is shifted to red end. 

           When we receive light spectrum from the Andromeda galexy .we observe wave length of light is increasing with time. So it goes to red shifted. It's mean this galaxy  continuously apart from us. 
          Gravitational force between our galaxy  and Andromeda  galaxy try to decrease their distance and pulled each other but Andromeda galaxy continuously apart from us beside come nearer. 
                  This phenomenon satisfy only one possibility  that space between them always expand. So galaxies are move apart. 
                 Our universe expand every time. Space among any object expand. So they move apart,move apart and move apart. 

          Expanding nature of our universe is more powerful force than gravitational  force. 


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