Explore the universe | THE BIG BANG

  When we think about explosive object,in initial when it exploded, particle in it at high density and also high temperature than after some time when it exploded. As time goes as all matter try to apart from each other and space among them always increases with respect to time. Temperature and density go down with time and expansion rate decrease with time.
       Just like this our universe continuously expand from it's birth to till now. So it is possible that in initial state, very high density and high temperature in it. Also the universe start from a dot with very high density and very very high temperature, maybe density and temperature would be infinity.  And in this dot all principal of classical mechanics are destroyed. Called singularity.
       After its initial expansion, the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation  of subatomic particles,Later atom and as universe expand as elements came in exist . later forming star, galaxies and  descendants of which are visible today.
      In intial state its expansion very fast than now so expansion of our universe slower by passing time.
      But what happened when universe will expand like this after long time ago?

  Imagination of this situation is very terrible.we are alone in observable universe. Light from galaxies,stars will not able to reach here  and after infinity time like this ,particles and after some time subatomic particals will be apart from each other.and temperature of universe will mostly at 0 Kelvin (absolute zero).it is condition of big freeze. There will be no energy in space


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