Explore the universe | UNIVERSE , FROM DOT TO DOT.

   What will our universe behave in its ending time?  Is age of our universe infinite ? Will it destroy ? And if it will be destroy then what will the leading cause be for destroying our universe?
    We can only predict on the basis of our theories and our observations about the universe. In universe there are two things that decide end of the universe.
    Between two objects in space there are  two forces  that opposite each other. First gravitational  force between them pull each other and expansion of space that work against gravitational force. As space between them expand as gravitational Force weaker between them.
     So there are three possibility of this type situation.

  If acceleration of expanding universe more than acceleration of gravitational force then space among objects always expand and universe will go from big bang to big freeze and big rip.

 It is possible that gravitational acceleration and  accelaration of expanding universe will almost equal in infinite time. Space among objects will constant. they will enough distance to each other that gravitational force will not work among them and universe will go from big bang to non expanding universe.

3. One prediction is that a time will come in future that gravitational force stop expanding universe. After that time effective gravitational force pull objects. Distance and space among objects  decrease with time.
      Again everything in universe try to shrink and come nearer or nearer & tending to a point with high density with high temperature . All universe will be in a point with infinite density and temperature.  The universe will go for big crunch. Big crunch is a event where everything in universe will shrink in a single dot.


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