
Neutron stars | formation of neutron stars

      Neutron stars : if you want to know about how are neutron stars formed ? , how gravity affects the star ? And many more about neutron star so this post for you. Read this post from start to end.           Formation of neutron stars Neutron stars are very tiny with almost 10 to 20 kilometers  diameter and very dense material in it. They are different from normal stars. Nearest neutron star away 400 light year from us.           Neutron star formation is very interesting to understand. Here every thing Beyond our imagination. here we see terrible from of gravitational force that even atoms and also the nucleous are destroyed.          Initial state of neutron star  it is normal star ( you want to know about formation of star, visit at ) but its mass almost more than 1.4 time of our Sun. Gravitational force and Pressure of Plasma create balanced in star. In stars there are enough t

Formation of stars | how are stars formed?

    Formation of star : some time we look at sky and think how are stars formed ? Why are stars formed ? And why are star shinning in sky ? How and where are heavier elements formed? . So this post for you. Start reading this post and get all your answer.          How are stars formed?        In dark night every where in sky,we see only stars and stars are visible. Whole sky shinning with stars. And we are happy to watch these shinning stars. But sometimes we asked self how are star formed?        Stars are born in nebula. Nebula are a giant clouds of dust and gas mostly hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. Density of particles in nebula generally from 100 to 10000 particles per cm^3(in the earth atmosphere almost particle density 2.5*10^15particle per cm^3 ). So density in nebulas is too low.  And there temperature is too low like 10 to 20 kelvin and they are too cold.       We know atoms have mass, so they have property to attract each other.yes,there mass is too lo

Explore the universe | UNIVERSE , FROM DOT TO DOT.

   What will our universe behave in its ending time?  Is age of our universe infinite ? Will it destroy ? And if it will be destroy then what will the leading cause be for destroying our universe?     We can only predict on the basis of our theories and our observations about the universe. In universe there are two things that decide end of the universe.     Between two objects in space there are  two forces  that opposite each other. First gravitational  force between them pull each other and expansion of space that work against gravitational force. As space between them expand as gravitational Force weaker between them.      So there are three possibility of this type situation. 1   If acceleration of expanding universe more than acceleration of gravitational force then space among objects always expand and universe will go from big bang to big freeze and big rip. 2.  It is possible that gravitational acceleration and  accelaration of expanding universe will almost eq

Explore the universe | THE BIG BANG

      When we think about explosive object,in initial when it exploded, particle in it at high density and also high temperature than after some time when it exploded. As time goes as all matter try to apart from each other and space among them always increases with respect to time. Temperature and density go down with time and expansion rate decrease with time.        Just like this our universe continuously expand from it's birth to till now. So it is possible that in initial state, very high density and high temperature in it. Also the universe start from a dot with very high density and very very high temperature, maybe density and temperature would be infinity.  And in this dot all principal of classical mechanics are destroyed. Called singularity.        After its initial expansion, the universe cooled sufficiently to allow the formation  of subatomic particles,Later atom and as universe expand as elements came in exist . later forming star, galaxies and  descendants of

Beyond the light.....

                    Our universe continuously expand .  galaxies  , stars  , every thing in space continuously apart form us. If our universe will  continuously  expand then we are only one in all observed universe. We shall not receive  any light from galaxies and stars.          Bt what is expanding rate of space?? Actually our universe acceleratelly expand. It's expanding rate increases with time. And also it's expanding speed more than light speed.         Now you say that nothing can travel faster than light. How is space expanding speed more than light speed ? Actually light self travel in space so we can't say about space that it's expanding rate necessarily slower than light speed.  It is possible  our space expand more more than light speed. Everything depends on accelerating  speed of expand space.        


             We see toward the sky in night stars and plannets are visible.but every night we observe  their places in the sky are not same.  Their places are change in every part of time so how is it possible?              Our galaxy is milky way  and our neighbor galaxy is Andromeda. Both have massive mass and they pulled each other  by massive gravitational force so by this fact distance between them decrease by time.  Bt it is not....             To understand how is it possible we try to to understand Doppler effect.         As we have known visible light consists waves in electromagnetic field.  The wavelength of light is extremely small. The different wavelength of light are what the human eyes sees as different colours.  With longest wavelength at the red end of the spectrum  and the shortest wavelength at the blue end .            Imagine a source of light at a constant distance from us such as star emitting light was at a constant wavelength .Obvious  we rece

Space-time and curvature

Space time shape hard to visualize. Space time is  not constant like our earth surface. It's shape depend on mass of the object.            Take a example of a trapeze artist and their safety can imagine a trapeze artist falling into a net on purpose that the net is flat and looks like space but when they fall into it they distort that grid well  that's a lot like space if you have matter in space it wraps the fram work when the trapeze artist is resting in the net they are bending that space - time grid little bit if you had 2 trapeze artists there double the mass in roughly the same volume .you have a bigger distortion and that's how space -time works. Space is bending like trapeze artist rest In the net and safty net get bends. In space there are plannets , stars , blackholes , nebulas and many more. These have mass so as trapeeze's safety net, space also bend .how much space bends depend what object's mass . More object mass more bending in space .